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Alright  sis, this is your invitation
You’re being called to something exponentially bigger and it won’t take no for an answer!

With She In Purpose You Will Become:
Deeply connected to your higher self, creating and expanding from that place each and every day
Empowered to live your most authentic truth in both your personal and professional life
A master at shifting your mindset, using your obstacles as fuel and making shit happen


For the woman seeking a holistic, sustainable self-care practice

This 6-week program is designed to help you discover and harness the power of consistently nourishing yourself on all four holistic levels - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual - as a means to thrive in all areas of your life.

By the end of Nourish to Thrive You Will have:
A deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of our parts of self and how they can work together to help us flourish.
Identified what you consider nourishing and what you consider junk/filler for each holistic part of self.
Crafted a sacred practice unique to you, in order to nourish your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self every single day.
This offering is for you if:
  • You know “being healthy” extends far beyond just your physical body
  • You often deal with mental fog and/or feelings of emotional depletion
  • You’re looking for new, habitual ways to prioritize your wellbeing
What's Included:
  • 6-week program
  • 6 weekly private coaching calls (90 minutes each)
  • Digital workbook with exercises and journal prompts
NOTE: Each session is sacred and is designed to be in full and complete support of your self-discovery, deep work and forward movement.
Some email/text support between sessions
Investment Option 1: $1350 CAD [paid in full]
Investment Option 2: $1500 CAD [payment plan]


For the woman ready to come home to herself

This 6-month container is designed to help you re-discover who you are and what you desire most - connecting you to your deepest truth, separate from what you’ve been taught, sold or bamboozled into believing. 

By the end of Return to Self You Will have:
Uncovered and aligned with your actual values, desires and purpose
Connected to your internal guidance system and the voice of your intuition.
A new level of laser focus and intention, all in support of your most joyful, authentic experience.
This offering is for you if:
  • You spend so much time giving to others, playing so many different roles that you’ve lost track of who you are underneath it all.
  • You’re feeling called to connect with your Higher Self for guidance and wisdom about what your purpose and/or path is.
  • On paper, it looks like you’re winning, but you know there’s more “life” available to you but you don’t know how to access it.
What's Included:
  • 6-month program
  • 12 bi-weekly private coaching calls (60 minutes each)
NOTE: Each session is sacred and is designed to be in full and complete support of your self-discovery, deep work and forward movement.
Some email/text support between sessions
Investment Option 1: $1800 CAD [paid in full]
Investment Option 2: $2000 CAD [payment plan]


For the woman on a mission

You have a very specific goal for the future. It’s big and beautiful and meaningful… and a bit intimidating. You’re going to need help to get there. This 6-month container is designed to give you the protected space, partnership, and accountability to make it happen.

By the end of Conscious Co-Creation You Will have:
Reached your target result all while expanding your wisdom, clarity and awareness of yourself and your goal.
An understanding of how to use ALL holistic parts of self in service to your future goals and manifestations.
A deeper sense of trust and confidence in all that you’re capable of.
This offering is for you if:
  • You’ve made a big commitment and you’re excited, but don’t know how to make it a reality.
  • You’ve got a clear vision for your future but keep getting thrown off track by the Inner Critic voice in your head, procrastination and/or “stuff”.
  • You’re looking for a holistic, manageable approach to achieving your goals.
What's Included:
  • 6-month program
  • 12 bi-weekly private coaching calls (60 minutes each)
NOTE: Each session is sacred and is designed to be in full and complete support of your self-discovery, deep work and forward movement.
Some email/text support between sessions
Investment Option 1: $1800 CAD [paid in full]
Investment Option 2: $2000 CAD [payment plan]


For the woman seeking to learn and connect within a community of like minded women

Unplug from your daily life and join an exclusive group of heart-centred women in a meaningful conversation full of learning, sharing and evoked awareness. Use this protected time to explore the workshop theme, refocus on what’s crucial and tap into the collective wisdom of the group, all in the spirit of sisterhood and transformation.

What's Included:
90-minute virtual group session
NOTE: In order to create the ideal space for connection and breakthroughs, workshops are capped at 8 participants/session.
Investment: FREE

Curious about coaching but not sure where to start? 

Schedule a free 45-minute discovery call and let's explore how we can work together.


"My coaching calls with Tasha are the highlight of my week! As a busy mom and entrepreneur it's easy to get caught up focusing on your family and clients and you forget to take the time to focus on you. Through her thoughtful and insightful questions and "nudges" Tasha has guided me down the path back to ME!"


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